food name
pickle ,,,,,,achar
idli ,,,,,,,इडली
barley ,,,,,जो
food name all food items name in hindi
barley flour ,,,,,,,जो का आटा
fine flour ,,,मैदा
egg ,,,,,,,अंडा
wheat ,,गेहू
cold drink ,,,,,शरबत
food name all food items name in english
salad ,,,,,,सलाद
sesame ,,,,तिल
dosa ,,,,,,,डोसा
coffe ,,कॉफ़ी
chocolate ,,,,,,,चॉक्लेट
maize ,,,,,,मक्का
sweet ,,,,मिठाई
what are the name of food items
whey ,,,,,मठा
pea ,,,,,,,मटर
millet ,,,,,,बाजरा
mustard ,,,,सरसो
bread ,,,,,रोटी
meat ,,,,,,,,मांस
groundnut ,,,,,,मूंगफली
liquor ,,,,,,शराब
milk ,,,दूध
curd ,,,,,,,दही
famous food name
chapati ,,,,,,चपाती
cream ,,,,,,मलाई
what are the 10 most common food
tea ,,,,,,,चाय
cheese ,,,,,,पनीर
porridge ,,,,,,दलिया
fish ,,,,,मछली
honey ,,,,,,शहद
intresting food names
grain ,,,,,,अनाज
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